- Internal Family System (IFS) talks about how we have parts within us that constantly engages in internal conversations and conflict. This technique gives tools to how you can be curious, compassionate and courageous as you try to understand why you do/think the way you do. It explains how we often contradict ourselves, have polarizing views on any issue and can’t make a decision that we can stick to. For instance, you decided that you are going to take that expensive programming classes but after making the full payment you can’t seem to gather enough motivation to continue it. Or when you promised your friend you would go to the trip but you don’t want to join her anymore just a minute later.
- Reparenting yourself is the concept of recognizing what your needs were fulfilled as a child or a growing adult and doing that for yourself. Parenting is a tough job and even though our parents may not have done a good enough job by providing you with security and resources to develop skills that was needed to be learned in each of your developmental stages, you now have the responsibility to go back and do it for yourself now that YOU are that adult that can provide love, security and resources to that inner child within you.
- There are other plenty of other approaches like CBT, DBT and RECBT techniques that can be learned and practised after being taught by our professionals which focus on recognizing and managing difficult emotions that can go hand in hand.
Relationship With The Self and Others
As social beings, we all crave connection and belonging. But we also need to work on our relationship with ourselves.