All Programs

Complete set of programs designed to help people get a step ahead and more.

Experiencing Burnout?

Burnout can result from losing connection with your 'Self' and your own needs. This can leave you feeling exhausted, unmotivated and filled with guilt. Join one of our programs dealing with authenticity and self understanding.

Stuck in a Rut?

Understand the natural ebs and flows of energy, motivation, productivity and success as well as underlying psychological issues resulting in abnormal lows. Learn proper tools to deal with frustrations of learning something new and hitting your goals.

Relationship Problems?

It is necessary to understand our roles, the dynamics of relationships as well as the strengths and weaknesses within the relationship to make it more fulfilling, resolve conflicts tactfully, recognize issues properly and be more aware of our own and other's needs.

Coping with grief?

Loss and grief are inevitable part of our lives. Unfortunately, not all of us are equipped with the tools necessary to deal with it in the times of crisis. Join one of our programs dealing with various types of loss and also be a part of support system.

Pick a program

Lessons and Programs that keeps you moving forward

Among all the available programs, pick the one that you resonate with the most or need help with the most.

Need a business program? Get In Touch with me.

Open for Appointments

Have a look at my schedule to book a session.

A place where you can be understood without judgement is the best gift you can give yourself.

~ Sirjana G. (Founder)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? Get in touch or look at the FAQ section.

To enroll with any of our courses or programs, you can fill out the form in our website, or reach out through email, phone number or social media. Also read the FAQ, since we get similar questions from our new members.

Have more question in mind? Get In Touch with me.

  • Does being a member at Mindscape Hub mean that I'm mentally ill?

    Though providing support to those who are going through mental illness is one of our scopes, it is not all that we cover. We can be completely healthy mentally and physically and yet struggle in some aspects of life where you can benefit from our programs.

  • How can I enroll to these programs?

    By filling up the form in the website, or booking your reservation or appointment through any of the medium, you can register.

  • Can we make payment online?

    Though we are yet to integrate payment into our website, you can pay through QR provided by our admin using any of the payment gateway available in Nepal (Esewa, FonePay, Khalti, IME Pay and more).

Submit your details to book yourself an online consultation now.

    Let’s Talk

    Phone: +977 9816053382

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    Akasedhara Chowk, Kapan (Near Yuyutshu School)

    2Km from Sukedhara, 1 km from Nilopul

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    Mon – Fri: (11 am to 6 pm)
    Sat: (1 pm to 5 pm)
    Sunday: (Closed)

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